How to add Stripe payment module to medusajs 2.0

Video Instructions


Before starting, ensure you have:

  • A deployed MedusaJS 2.0 stack (e.g., using the Railway deploy template).
  • A Stripe account with Test Mode enabled for testing.
  • Basic familiarity with MedusaJS and its configuration.

If you haven't set up your Medusa project yet, you can use the one-click deploy template for a quick start.

For Custom Projects

If you're not using the pre-configured Railway template:

  1. Install the Stripe payment module, in your medusa backend:
npm install @medusajs/payments-stripe@latest
  1. Add the following configuration to your medusa-config.js file:
const medusaConfig = {
 // Your other config
 modules: [
    // Your other modules here
      key: Modules.PAYMENT,
      resolve: '@medusajs/payment',
      options: {
        providers: [
            resolve: '@medusajs/payment-stripe',
            id: 'stripe',
            options: {
              apiKey: STRIPE_API_KEY,
              webhookSecret: STRIPE_WEBHOOK_SECRET,

For Railway Deploy Template Users

The Stripe module is already installed and pre-configured in the medusa-config.js file. You only need to set up environment variables.

Step 2: Set Up Environment Variables

Add the following environment variables to your backend and storefront projects:

Backend Variables

  • STRIPE_API_KEY: Your Stripe secret API key.
  • STRIPE_WEBHOOK_SECRET: The webhook secret generated in Stripe.

Storefront Variable

  • NEXT_PUBLIC_STRIPE_KEY: Your Stripe publishable API key (found in the Stripe dashboard).

For Railway users:

  1. Navigate to your project in Railway.
  2. Add these variables under the "Variables" section for both backend and storefront services.

Step 3: Create a Webhook in Stripe

  1. Go to your Stripe dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Developers > Webhooks and click "Add endpoint."
  3. Use the following URL format for your webhook endpoint: https://<your-backend-url>/hooks/payment/stripe
  4. Add the required payment events:
    • payment_intent.succeeded
    • payment_intent.amount_capturable_updated
    • payment_intent.payment_failed
  5. Save the webhook and copy the generated webhook secret.
  6. Add this secret as the STRIPE_WEBHOOK_SECRET environment variable in your backend.

Step 4: Configure Payment Providers in Admin Dashboard

  1. Log in to your Medusa Admin Dashboard.
  2. Go to Settings > Regions.
  3. Edit your region(s) and add "Stripe" as a payment provider.
  4. Save changes.

Step 5: Test Your Integration

  1. Enable Test Mode in your Stripe dashboard.
  2. Use the test credit card number 4242 4242 4242 4242 with any valid expiration date, CVC, and postal code during checkout.
  3. Verify that transactions are processed successfully in both the storefront and Stripe dashboard.

Step 6: Switch to Production

When ready for production:

  1. Disable Test Mode in Stripe.
  2. Replace test API keys with live API keys in your environment variables.
  3. Update webhooks if necessary.

How to sign up with Stripe

If you are having difficulties navigating the Stripe dashboard, or need help with the signup process, I have covered this in great details in another article where I was setting up Stripe for a Vendure webshop. You can refer to all the steps related to finding API keys, and creating webhooks, etc. from that guide. Visit the article bleow, and scroll to "Step 1: Stripe setup".

Tutorial: Add Stripe credit card payment to Vendure
This tutorial guides you through integrating Stripe payments into your Vendure webshop, enabling credit card and Google Pay options for customers. Follow the step-by-step process to set up Stripe, configure webhooks, and update your Railway deployment for a seamless checkout experience.

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